Dear A Level Up Realty,
Our country is in the throes of something unprecedented. No one could have imagined or planned for the events of the past two weeks. We understand these are very concerning times as the country deals with COVID-19, more commonly known at the coronavirus. The safety and well-being of our clients is always our priority
A Level Up Realty is committed to continue "business as usual" during this time. We will continue monitor the news daily and will keep you updated with relevant information. We will do everything to protect our clients during these challenging times and work through any disruptions to normal operations together. We are strong and know that we will get through this and come out even stronger.
Governed Ducey issued an executive order on March 24 temporarily delaying evictions for people impacted by COVID-19 for up to 120 days. This is not an excuse to not pay rent it simply lets The Arizona Supreme Court authorization to suspend mandatory timelines on eviction hearings. A Level Up Realty approach is as follows. Per Government Executive Order A Level Up Realty has urged tenants to reach out to us in writing and we will continue to work with tenants who are having issues. If for any reason your property is effected We will immediately reach out in a case by case matter. The most important thing in the Governors Order is
“The Order will not, however, relieve any individual of the obligation to ultimately pay rent or comply with any other obligation that the individual may have under the terms of their tenancy.”
We appreciate you. We are here for you. Please reach out and let us know how we can continue to best support and serve you. We wish you continued health!